“Cling to Christ, and make much of the old foundational truths concerning salvation by His blood. These are the old friends to which our souls will turn at last in the hour of our departure.
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Friday, December 29, 2017
Never Rest Until You Are Justified
Let us never rest until we know and feel that we are reconciled to God. Let it not content us to go to Church, use means of grace, and be reckoned Christians, without knowing whether our sins are pardoned, and our souls justified.
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Is Your Life an Epistle of Christ?
Are you alive? Then see that you prove it by your actions. Be a consistent witness. Let your words, works, ways and tempers all tell the same story. Let not your life be a poor lethargic life, like that of a tortoise or a sloth—let it rather be an energetic stirring life, like that of a deer or bird.
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Possessing An Eternal Perspective on Sickness
You need not be cast down by sickness. The eternal part of you is safe and provided for, whatever happens to your body. You may well look calmly on death. It opens a door between you and your inheritance.
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Being Ready For Christ’s Return
Are you ready for the second coming of Christ? He will come again to this world one day. As surely as He came the first time, so surely will He come the second time. He will come to reward all His saints who have believed in Him and confessed Him on earth.
Saturday, December 23, 2017
The Need to Plead Guilty
Without confession there is no salvation. The love of God towards sinners is infinite. The readiness of Christ to receive sinners is unbounded.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
J.C. Ryle Christmas Sermon
Saying, What think ye of Christ? whose son is he? They say unto him, the son of David.— Matthew 22:42
Christmas is a season which almost all Christians observe in one way or another. Some keep it as a religious season. Some keep it as a holiday. But all over the world, wherever there are Christians, in one way or another Christmas is kept.
Christmas is a season which almost all Christians observe in one way or another. Some keep it as a religious season. Some keep it as a holiday. But all over the world, wherever there are Christians, in one way or another Christmas is kept.
Tell Them About Christ
“Do you ever try to do good to others? If you do, remember to tell them about Christ. Tell the young, tell the poor, tell the aged, tell the ignorant, tell the sick, tell the dying – tell them all about Christ.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Possessing a Heart of Gratitude
Is your heart right? Then be thankful. Praise the Lord for His distinguishing mercy, in “calling you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” (1 Pet. 2:9).
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Making the Choice Regarding Who You Will Serve
Do you wish your soul to be saved? Then remember, you must choose who you will serve. You cannot serve God and mammon. You cannot be on two sides at once. You cannot be a friend of Christ, and a friend of the world at the same time.
Monday, December 18, 2017
In Need of a New Nature
Without conversion there is no salvation. We all need an entire change of nature. Left to ourselves we have neither faith, nor fear, nor love towards God. We must be born again. Left to ourselves we are utterly unfit for dwelling in God’s presence.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Learning God’s Purpose of Affliction
Affliction is one of God’s medicines. By it He often teaches lessons which would be learned in no other way. By it He often draws souls away from sin and the world, which would otherwise have perished everlastingly.
The Great Sifting on the Last Day
The visible Church is now a ‘mixed’ body. Believers and unbelievers, holy and unholy, converted and unconverted, are now mingled in every congregation, and often sit side by side. It passes the power of man to separate them. False profession is often so like true; and grace is often so weak and feeble, that, in many cases, the right discernment of character is an impossibility. The wheat and the chaff will continue together until the Lord returns.
Monday, December 11, 2017
Beware of the Mere Love of Sermons
We may listen to a sermon with pleasure, while the impression produced on us is only temporary and short-lived. Our hearts, like the “stony ground,” may yield a plentiful crop of warm feelings and good resolutions.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Do You Have Compassion for the Lost?
We ought to feel compassion when we think of the wretched state of unconverted souls, and the misery of all men and women who live and die without Christ.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Our Compassionate Savior
“Let us remember that the eye of our loving Savior is upon us, morning, noon and night. He will never suffer us to be tempted above that which we are able to bear.
Monday, November 20, 2017
Making Church Attendance a Priority
We shall all do well to remember the charge: “Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together, as the manner of some is.” (Heb. 10:25). Never to be absent from God’s house on Sundays, without good reason – never to miss the Lord’s Supper when administered in our own congregation – never to let our place be empty when means of grace are going on, this is one way to be a growing and prosperous Christian.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Glorify God In Your Death
Let us pray, while we live in health, that we may glorify God in our end. Let us leave it to God to choose the where, and when, and how, and all the manner of our departing. Let us only ask that it may “glorify God.”
Monday, November 13, 2017
The Definition of Coming to Christ
When a man turns to Christ empty—that he may be filled; sick—that he may be healed; hungry—that he may be satisfied; thirsty—that he may be refreshed; needy—that he may be enriched; dying—that he may have life; lost—that he may be saved; guilty—that he may be pardoned; sin-defiled—that he may be cleansed; confessing that Christ alone can supply his need—then he comes to Christ.
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Beware of Zeal Without Knowledge
Let us never forget that religious earnestness alone is no proof that a man is a sound Christian. Not all zeal is right–it may be a zeal without knowledge. No one is so mischievous as a blundering, ignorant zealot.
Monday, October 30, 2017
The Solid Foundation of Trusting Christ
Church-membership is no foundation of hope. We may belong to the best of Churches, and yet never belong to Christ. We may fill our pew regularly every Sunday, and hear the sermons of orthodox, ordained clergymen, and yet never hear the voice of Jesus, or follow Him.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Guard Your Heart Against Pride
Ambition, self-esteem, and self-conceit lie deep at the bottom of all men’s hearts, and often in the hearts where they are least suspected. Thousands imagine that they are humble, who cannot bear to see an equal more honored and favored than themselves.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
The Surprise of Christ’s Return
I do not know when Christ will come. I am no prophet, though I love the subject of prophecy. I dislike date-fixing, and I think it has done great harm.
Be A Church With Biblical Standards
A church in which the Bible is not the standard of faith and practice –
Sunday, October 22, 2017
The Perspective of Sickness
Sickness helps to remind men of death. Most live as if they were never going to die. They follow business, or pleasure, or politics, or science, as if earth was their eternal home.
Saturday, October 21, 2017
The Foundation of the Church
The foundation of the true Church was laid at a mighty cost. It needed that the Son of God should take our nature upon Him, and in that nature live, suffer, and die, not for His own sins, but for ours.
Friday, October 20, 2017
Beware of Crushing Zeal
Beware of crushing zeal. Seek it. Cultivate it. Try to blow up the fire in your own heart, and the hearts of others – but never, never crush it. Beware of throwing cold water on zealous souls, whenever you meet with them.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Some of the preachers say that there is no Hell!
"For if the trumpet makes an uncertain sound, who will prepare himself for battle?" 1 Corinthians 14:8
We need a more certain sound about the state of man after death. There is a growing disposition in this day to give up the old doctrine of the judgment of the wicked, and the eternal misery of all who die impenitent and unbelieving.
We need a more certain sound about the state of man after death. There is a growing disposition in this day to give up the old doctrine of the judgment of the wicked, and the eternal misery of all who die impenitent and unbelieving.
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Beware of the Little Sins
“Nothing darkens the eyes of the mind so much, and deadens the conscience so surely, as an allowed sin. It may be a little one, but it is not the less dangerous for all that. A small leak will sink a great ship, and a small spark will kindle a great fire, and a little allowed sin in like manner will ruin an immortal soul. Take my advice, and never spare a little sin.”
~ J.C. Ryle
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
The Barren Church
If ministers do not teach sound doctrine, and their members do not live holy lives, they are in imminent peril of destruction.
Friday, October 13, 2017
The Soul Ruining Sin of Pride
It is an dreadful fact, whether we like to allow it or not, that pride is one of the common sins which beset human nature. We are all born Pharisees. We all naturally think far better of ourselves than we ought.
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Remembering What Christ Has Done For You
Never be ashamed of living the life of faith in Christ. People may ridicule and mock you, and even silence you in argument; but they can never take from you the feelings which faith in Christ gives.
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Growing In Communion With Christ
“Seek every day to have closer communion with Him who is your Friend, and to know more of His grace and power.
Monday, October 2, 2017
Unbelief is Ever Present
Unbelief is one of the most common spiritual diseases in these latter days. It meets us at every turn, and in every company. Like the Egyptian plague of frogs, it makes its way into every family and home, and there seems no keeping it out.
We all naturally love to have a pope of our own!
We all naturally love to have a pope of our own!
"When Peter came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he was clearly in the wrong!" Galatians 2:11
One lesson we learn from this verse, is that great ministers may make great mistakes. The best of men are weak and fallible. Unless the grace of God holds them up, any one of them may go astray at any time. Let us learn not to put implicit confidence in any man's opinion, merely because he is a minister. Peter was one of the very chief Apostles--and yet he could err. What are the best of ministers but men--dust, ashes, and clay--men of like passions with ourselves, men exposed to temptations, men liable to weaknesses and infirmities?
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Beware of Self-Righteousness!
“Oh, let us beware of self-righteousness! Open sin kills its thousands of souls. Self-righteousness kills its tens of thousands. Go and study humility with the great apostle of the Gentiles. Go and sit with Paul at the foot of the cross. Give up your secret pride. Cast away your vain ideas of your own goodness.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
The Contrast of Christ’s Comings
“The second coming of Christ shall be utterly unlike the first. He came the first time in weakness, a tender infant, born of a poor woman in the manger at Bethlehem, unnoticed, unhonored, and scarcely known. He shall come the second time in royal dignity, with the armies of heaven around Him, to be known, recognized and feared, by all the tribes of the earth.
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Without Conversion, We Are Dead
Without conversion of heart we cannot serve God on earth. We have naturally neither faith, nor fear, nor love, toward God and His Son Jesus Christ. We have no delight in His Word.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
The Reality of Eternity
The state of things after the judgment is changeless and without end. The misery of the lost, and the blessedness of the saved, are both alike forever.
Monday, August 28, 2017
Useless Doctrine
“Doctrine is useless if it is not accompanied by a holy life. It is worse than useless; it does positive harm. Something of ‘the image of Christ’ must be seen and observed by others in our private life, and habits, and character, and doings.”
~ J.C. Ryle
“Introduction”, 93, 96.
Sunday, August 27, 2017
We Are Born Proud and Need Humility
Humility like this is one of the strongest evidences of the indwelling of the Spirit of God. We know nothing of humility by nature, for we are all born proud.
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Faithfully Waiting For Christ’s Return
“Those who denounce the doctrine of the second advent as speculative, fanciful and unpractical, would do well to reconsider the subject.
Friday, August 25, 2017
Applying Doctrine To Head and Heart
Let us beware of resting our hopes of salvation on mere intellectual knowledge. We live in days when there is great danger of doing so.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
In Need of a New Heart
Life is the mightiest of all possessions. From death to life is the mightiest of all changes. And no change short of this will ever avail to fit a person’s soul for heaven.
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Forsaking the World For Christ
True Christians must make up their minds to trouble in this world. Whether we are ministers or hearers, whether we teach or are taught, it makes little difference.
Monday, August 21, 2017
God’s Election Bears Fruit
“Election is always to sanctification. Those whom Christ chooses out of mankind, He chooses not only that they be saved, but that they may bear fruit, and that it can be seen.
Sunday, August 20, 2017
No Fickleness in Jesus
The Lord Jesus is “a friend who never changes.” There is no fickleness about Him: those whom He loves, He loves to the end. Husbands have been known to forsake their wives; parents have been known to cast off their children; human vows and promises of faithfulness have often been forgotten.
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Make Your Calling and Election Sure
The duty of the true Christian is clear and plain. Whatever others do, he must give all diligence to make his own calling and election sure.
Friday, August 18, 2017
Death Does Not Discriminate
We often think and talk as if the possession of riches was the great antidote to sorrow, and as if money could secure us against sickness and death.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
The Demonstration of Being Elected
“Sanctification is the only sure mark of God’s election. The names and number of the elect are a secret thing, no doubt, which God has wisely kept in His own power, and not revealed to man.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
The Definition of Christian Love
Christian love will show itself in the general spirit and demeanor of a believer. It will make him kind, unselfish, good-natured, good-tempered, and considerate for others.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Ponder the Real Gospel
Christ’s death is the Christian’s life. Christ’s cross is the Christian’s title to heaven. Christ “lifted up” and put to shame on Calvary is the ladder by which Christians “enter into the holiest,” and are at length landed in glory.
Monday, August 14, 2017
Let Go of Selfishness; Share Christ!
Let us beware of selfishness in our religion, even after we have learned to value the light. We should labor to make all people see that we have found “the pearl of great price,” and that we want them to find it as well as ourselves.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Bring Your Mind to Church
Let us take with us to church, not only our bodies, but our minds, our reason, our hearts and our consciences. Let us often ask ourselves, ‘What have I got from this sermon?’, ‘What have I learned?’, ‘What truths have been impressed on my mind?’.
Friday, August 11, 2017
Parents: Don’t Be Hypocrites!
“Instruction, advice, and commands will profit little, unless they are backed up by the pattern of your own life. Your children will never believe you are serious and obey you, so long as your actions contradict your counsel.”
~ J.C. Ryle
The Upper Room, “The Duties of Parents”, 311.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Possessing Compassion for the Unconverted
We ought to feel compassion when we think of the wretched state of unconverted souls, and the misery of all men and women who live and die without Christ. No poverty like this poverty! No disease like this disease!
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Do Not Doubt the Reality of Hell
Do you believe the Bible? Then depend upon it, Hell is real and true. It is as true as Heaven — as true as justification by faith — as true as the fact that Christ died upon the cross.
Monday, August 7, 2017
All About Doing, Never About Believing
How painfully self–righteous are many! They can talk complacently about having “done their duty,” and being “kind to everybody,” and having always “kept to their church,” and having “never been so very bad” as some, and therefore they seem to think they must go to heaven!
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Preachers: Sow Good Seed
The work of the preacher resembles that of the sower. Like the sower, the preacher must sow good seed, if he wants to see fruit.
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Discerning the True and the False Christian
How should you know who are true Christians, if following Christ was the way to be free from trouble? How should we discern the wheat from the chaff, if it were not for the winnowing of trial?
Friday, August 4, 2017
The Two Sides of Friendship
“Good friends are among our greatest blessings – they may keep us back from much evil, quicken us in our course, speak a word in season, draw us upward, and draw us on.
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Blessed Servants of God
“Some believers are rivers of living water long after they die. They do good by their books and writings in every part of the world, long after the hands which held the pen are mouldering in the dust.
Monday, July 31, 2017
Strive to Be Humble
Humility may well be called the queen of the Christian graces. To know our own sinfulness and weakness, and to feel our need of Christ, is the very beginning of saving religion.
Sunday, July 30, 2017
5th Mark of Salvation: Forgiven Souls Are Forgiving
Forgiven souls are FORGIVING. They do as they have been done by. They look over the offenses of their brethren. They endeavor to “walk in love, as Christ loved them, and gave Himself for them.” (Eph. 5:2.) They remember how God for Christ’s sake forgave them, and endeavor to do the same towards their fellow-creatures.
Saturday, July 29, 2017
4th Mark of Salvation: Forgiven Souls Are Holy
Forgiven souls are HOLY. Their chief desire is to please Him who has saved them, to do His will, to glorify Him in body and in Spirit, which are His. “What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits?”
Friday, July 28, 2017
3rd Mark of Salvation: Forgiven Souls Are Humble
Forgiven souls are HUMBLE. They cannot forget that they owe all they have and hope for to free grace, and this keeps them lowly.
Thursday, July 27, 2017
2nd Mark of Salvation: Forgiven Souls Love Christ
Forgiven souls LOVE CHRIST. This is that one thing they can say, if they dare say nothing else—they do love Christ. His person, His offices, His work, His name, His cross, His blood, His words, His example, His ordinances—all, all are precious to forgiven souls.
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
1st Mark of Salvation: Forgiven Souls Hate Sin
Forgiven souls HATE SIN. They can enter most fully into the words of our Communion Service, “The remembrance of sin is grievous unto them, and the burden of it is intolerable.” It is the serpent which bit them—how should they not shrink from it with horror?
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
5 Essential Doctrines to Believe In
1. The Absolute Supremacy of Holy Scripture
Show us anything, plainly written, in that Book, we will receive it, believe it, and submit to it. Show us anything contrary to that Book, and however sophisticated, plausible, beautiful and apparently desirable, we will not have it at any price.
Monday, July 24, 2017
Persevering Towards Heaven
“Our Lord tells us that true Christians must make up their minds regarding trouble in this world. Whether we are ministers or hearers, whether we teach or are taught, it makes little difference.
Sunday, July 23, 2017
The Importance of Your Conscience
Conscience is a most powerful part of our natural constitution. It cannot save our souls. It never leads a man to Christ. It is often blind, and ignorant, and misdirected.
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Preparing New Christians Biblically
To count the cost is one of the first duties that ought to be pressed on Christians in every age. It is no kindness to young beginners to paint the service of Christ in false colors, and to keep back from them the old truth, “Through much tribulation we must enter the kingdom of God” (Acts 14:22).
Friday, July 21, 2017
High Thoughts on the Cross
“Cling to Christ and have high thoughts of the atonement made by His blood upon the cross. Think highly of His incarnation and His example.
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Cultivating Faith in Your Daily Prayers
Make it your daily prayer that you may have an increase of faith. According to your faith will be your peace. Cultivate that blessed root more, and sooner or later, by God’s blessing, you may hope to have the flower.
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
The Cost of Being a Real Christian
It costs something to be a real Christian, according to the standard of the Bible. There are enemies to be overcome, battles to be fought, sacrifices to be made, an Egypt to be forsaken, a wilderness to be passed through, a cross to be carried, a race to be run.
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Take Heed How You Hear
“The parable of the sower is preeminently a parable of caution, and caution about a most important subject,—the way of hearing the word of God.
It was meant to be a warning to the apostles, not to expect too much from hearers.
It was meant to be a warning to all ministers of the Gospel, not to look for too great results from sermons.
It was meant to be a warning to the apostles, not to expect too much from hearers.
It was meant to be a warning to all ministers of the Gospel, not to look for too great results from sermons.
Monday, July 17, 2017
Peace Which Christ Gives
“‘Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth give I unto you.’ Peace is Christ’s peculiar gift: not money, not worldly ease, not temporal prosperity. These are at best very questionable possessions. They often do more harm than good to the soul.
Friday, July 14, 2017
Study The Gospels
“It would be well if professing Christians in modern days studied the four Gospels more than they do. No doubt all Scripture is profitable.
Thursday, July 13, 2017
The Only Books Which Do Real Good
“It is indeed to be desired that solid Scriptural theology, like that contained in these pages, should be valued and studied in the church.
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Our Unfailing Friend, Jesus Christ
Look around the world, and see how failure is written on all of people’s schemes. Count up the partings, separations, disappointments, and bereavements which have happened under your own knowledge.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Humbly Believing In God’s Election
“Is the doctrine of Election plainly stated in Scripture? This is the whole question which an honest Christian has to do with. If it is not in the Book of God, let it be forever discarded, refused and rejected by man, no matter who propounds it.
Monday, July 10, 2017
Knowing Christ…Personally
You may know a good deal about Christ, by a kind of head knowledge. You may know who He was, and where He was born, and what He did. You may know His miracles, His sayings, His prophecies, and His ordinances.
Sunday, July 9, 2017
The Ultimate Loss: Your Soul
The loss of the soul is the heaviest loss that can befall a man. The worst and most painful of diseases – the most distressing bankruptcy of fortune – the most disastrous shipwrecks – are a mere scratch of a pin compared to the loss of a soul.
Saturday, July 8, 2017
The Reality of the Inhabitants of Heaven
I make my solemn protest against those modern delusions, “that all people shall go to heaven at last—that it matters not how you live—that whether you are holy or unholy it does not matter—that whether you are godless or God-fearing, it is all the same thing, that all at last will get to heaven.” I cannot find such teaching in the Bible.
Friday, July 7, 2017
Total Dependance on God’s Words
There must be a real heartfelt belief that God’s promises are sure and to be depended on – a real belief that what God says in the Bible is all true and that every doctrine contrary to this is false, whatever anyone may say.
Thursday, July 6, 2017
The Blessedness of Heaven
The cares of this world, the necessary duties of life, the demands of our families, the work of our various stations and callings — all these things appear to eat up our days, and to make it impossible to have long quiet times of communion with God’s people.
But, blessed be God, it shall not always be so. The hour comes, and shall soon be here, when “good-bye” and “farewell” shall be words that are laid aside and buried forever! When we meet in a world where the former things have passed away, where there is . . .
no more sin,
no more sorrow,
no more poverty,
no more work of body or work of brains,
no more need of anxiety for families,
no more sickness,
no more pain,
no more old age,
no more death,
no more change —
. . . when we meet in that endless state of being, calm, and restful, and unhurried — who can tell what the bliss and blessedness will be?
~ J.C. Ryle
Tract: The Great Gathering
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Glory Only in the Cross of Christ
Let us look well to our own hearts. We live in a day when false doctrines about Christ’s death abound on every side. Let us see that Christ crucified is really the foundation of our own hopes, and that Christ’s atoning death for sin is indeed the whole life of our souls. Let us beware of adding to Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, as the Roman Catholic does. Its value was infinite. It admits of no addition.
Let us beware of taking away from Christ’s sacrifice, as the Socinian [denial of Christ’s divinity] does. To suppose that the Son of God only died to leave us an example of self-denial, is to contradict a hundred plain texts of Scripture. Let us walk in the old paths. Let us say with Paul, “God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Gal 6:14)
~ J.C. Ryle
Expository Thoughts on the Gospels: Luke volume 2 , [Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1998], 281. {Luke 18:28-34}
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Be On Guard Against False Doctrine
Let us be on our guard against false doctrine. Unsound faith will never be the mother of really sound practice, and in these latter days, departures from the faith abound. See then that your loins be girded about with truth, and be very jealous of receiving anything which cannot be proved by the Bible.
Monday, July 3, 2017
The Happiest People in the World
“The happiest people in this world are those who make the Bible the rule of their lives. They read their Bibles often. They believe what the Bible says. They love that Savior, Jesus Christ, of whom the Bible speaks.
Sunday, July 2, 2017
The Grand Proof of Christ’s Mission
Let us all thank God that we have such a cloud of witnesses to prove that our Lord rose again. The resurrection of Christ is the grand proof of Christ’s divine mission.
Saturday, July 1, 2017
The Results of Christ’s Glorious Return
What will you see when the great event of Christ’s return takes place? You will see the eternal Son of God return in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Friday, June 30, 2017
The Cost of Being a Real Christian
It costs something to be a real Christian, according to the standard of the Bible. There are enemies to be overcome, battles to be fought, sacrifices to be made, an Egypt to be forsaken, a wilderness to be passed through, a cross to be carried, a race to be run.
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Behave Like Christ is Coming Again
Wherever you may live, and whatever may be your trials; however great your difficulties, and however small your helps; nothing should prevent your aiming at the highest standard, to behave like one who believes that Christ is coming again!
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Cling to Christ’s Resurrection
“Let us cling firmly to the resurrection of Christ, as one of the pillars of the gospel. It ought to produce in our minds a settled conviction of the truth of Christianity: our faith does not depend merely on a set of texts and doctrines; it is founded on a mighty fact which the sceptic has never been able to overturn.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Don’t Grow Dull Towards the Gospel
Men and women who hear the Gospel regularly, I often fear much for you. I fear lest you become so familiar with the sounds of its doctrines, that you gradually become dead to its power.
Monday, June 26, 2017
The Mindset of a Pilgrim
“A holy man will follow after spiritual mindedness. He will endeavor to set his affections entirely on the things above, and to hold things on earth with a very loose hand. He will not neglect the business of this life now; but the first place in his mind and thoughts will be given to the life to come.
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Saturday, June 24, 2017
The Loving Friendship of Jesus Christ
Every true Christian has a Friend in heaven, of almighty power and boundless love. They are thought of, cared for, provided for, defended by God’s eternal Son.
Friday, June 23, 2017
Training Your Child to Have a Habit of Prayer
“Parents, if you love your children, do all that lies within your power to train them to have a habit of prayer. Show them how to begin. Tell them what to say. Encourage them to persevere. Remind them that if they become careless and slack about it. Let it not be your fault, if they never call on the name of the Lord.
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Hope in the Gospel
Who shall deliver us from this body of death? Let us thank God that Jesus Christ can. He is that divine Physician, who can make old things pass away and all things become new. In Him is life.
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
The Antidote of Remembering Death
Death is a great fact that all acknowledge, but very few seem to realize. Most people eat, drink, talk and plan, as if they were going to live upon earth forever.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
The Hardness of the Human Heart
Would you know the reason why the state of people is so desperately helpless, if they die in their sins? Would you know why ministers feel so fearful about everyone who is cut off unprepared to meet God?
Monday, June 19, 2017
Dying To Know Christ
“The story of Christ’s moral teaching, self-sacrifice, example, and the need of being earnest and sincere like Him, will never smooth down a dying pillow. Christ the Teacher, Christ the great Pattern, Christ the Prophet, will not suffice.
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Regular and Daily Bible Study
“Let us strive, every year we live, to become more deeply acquainted with Scripture. Let us study it, search into it, dig into it, meditate on it, until it dwell in us richly. (Coloss. 2:16.)
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Being Made Holy by the Spirit
Let this also be written down on the tablet of your memory. No entrance into heaven, without the Spirit first entering your heart upon earth!
Friday, June 16, 2017
Never Be Ashamed Of Christ!
Whatever others around you think, don’t you ever be ashamed of being a Christian. Let them laugh, mock, jest, and scoff, if they will. They will not scoff in the hour of death and in the day of judgment. Hoist your flag; show your colors; nail them to the mast.
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Do Not Linger!
“‘LOT lingered.’ (Genesis 19:16) Do not be a lingering soul.
Would you know what the times demand?—The shaking of nations,—the uprooting of ancient things,—the overturning of kingdoms,—the stir and restlessness of men’s minds—what do they say? They all cry aloud,—Christian! do not linger!
Would you know what the times demand?—The shaking of nations,—the uprooting of ancient things,—the overturning of kingdoms,—the stir and restlessness of men’s minds—what do they say? They all cry aloud,—Christian! do not linger!
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Humbling Praying For the Illumination of the Spirit
The corruption of human nature is a universal disease. It affects not only a man’s heart, will, and conscience, but his mind, memory, and understanding. The very same person who is quick and clever in worldly things, will often utterly fail to comprehend the simplest truths of Christianity.
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
4 Great Doctrines To Always Keep in Mind
“I feel that we all need more and more of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, to guide, to teach and to keep us sound in the faith. There are certain great truths, which, in a day like this [1874!], we are especially bound to keep in mind. I believe there are times and seasons in the Church of Christ when we are bound to tighten our hold upon certain great leading truths, to grasp them with more than ordinary firmness in our hands, to press them to our hearts and not let them go.”
Monday, June 12, 2017
In Our Dying Hour
“The day may come when after a long fight with disease, we shall feel that medicine can do no more, and that nothing remains but to die. Friends will be standing by, unable to help us. Hearing, eyesight, even the power of praying, will be fast failing us. The world and its shadows will be melting beneath our feet. Eternity, with its realities, will be looming large before our minds.
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Pondering Heaven
We know but little of the life to come in heaven. Perhaps our clearest ideas of it are drawn from considering what it will not be, rather than what it will be. It is a state in which we shall hunger no more, nor thirst any more. Sickness, pain, and disease, will not be known.
Saturday, June 10, 2017
This Earth is Not Our Rest
There is such a place as heaven. No truth is more certain in the whole of Scripture than this – there remains a rest for the people of God.
Friday, June 9, 2017
The Doctrine of Perseverance
When I speak of the doctrine of perseverance, I mean this. I say that the Bible teaches that true believers, real genuine Christians, shall persevere in their religion to the end of their lives. They shall never perish. They shall never be lost. They shall never be cast away.
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
The Devil Knows You Very Well
The devil is a constant enemy to the Christian’s soul. That great, sleepless, and unwearied foe is always laboring to do us harm. It is his constant object to wound, hurt, vex, injure, or weaken–if he cannot kill and destroy.
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
The 10 Marks of the Holy Spirit in a Believer
1. The Spirit awakens a person’s heart.
2. The Spirit teaches a person’s mind.
3. The Spirit leads to the Word.
4. The Spirit convinces of sin.
5. The Spirit draws to Christ.
6. The Spirit sanctifies.
7. The Spirit makes a person spiritually minded.
8. The Spirit produces inward conflict.
9. The Spirit makes a person love the brethren.
10. The Spirit teaches a person to pray.
These are the great marks of the Holy Spirit’s presence. Put the question to yourconscience and ask: Has the Spirit done anything of this kind for your soul?
~ J.C. Ryle
Tract: Having the Spirit
Monday, June 5, 2017
The Diversity of God’s Dealings
The Lord is not tied to the use of any one means exclusively in conveying grace to the soul. Sometimes He is pleased to work by the word preached publicly, sometimes by the word read privately. Sometimes He awakens people by sickness and affliction, sometimesby the rebukes or counsel of friends.
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Do You Have True Peace With God?
There is no peace with God except through Christ! Peace is His peculiar gift. Peace is that legacy which He alone had power to leave behind Him when He left the world. All other peace beside this, is a mockery and a delusion.
Saturday, June 3, 2017
Like a Good Shepherd
“Like a good shepherd, Christ knows all His believing people. Their names, their families, their dwelling-places, their circumstances, their private history, their experience, their trials,—with all these things Jesus is perfectly acquainted.
Friday, June 2, 2017
Is Your Heart In Tune With Heaven?
Without conversion of heart we could not enjoy heaven, if we got there. Heaven is a place where holiness reigns supreme, and sin and the world have no place at all.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Redeem the Time and Reap the Fields
Do you want to understand what the times require of all Christians in reference to the souls of others? Listen, and I will tell you. You live in times of great liberty and abounding opportunities of doing good. Never were there so many open doors of usefulness, so many fields white to the harvest. Mind that you use those open doors, and try to reap those fields. Try to do a little good before you die. Strive to be useful.
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Persevering Through Trials
Would you have perfect peace in life? Then lay hold on this doctrine of perseverance. Your trials may be many and great. Your cross may be very heavy. But the business of your soul is all conducted according to an “everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and sure.” (2 Sam. 23:5.)
Monday, May 29, 2017
Are You A Christian? Then Prove It!
He that desires to give proof that he is a believer, should walk in the steps of Zaccheus. Like him, let him thoroughly renounce the sins which have formerly most easily beset him.
Saturday, May 27, 2017
The Importance of Profession and Practice
Bringing forth fruits worthy of repentance is a truth which should always occupy a prominent place in our Christianity.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Head Knowledge Christianity
“Let us beware of an unsanctified knowledge of Christianity. It is a dangerous possession, but a fearfully common one in these latter days.
Sunday, May 14, 2017
The Need For A Complete Change
We are all by nature so weak, so worldly, so earthly-minded, so inclined to sin, that without a thorough change we cannot serve God in life, and could not enjoy Him after death.
Monday, May 8, 2017
Telling Others About Christ In You
If we have anything to tell others about Christ, let us resolve to tell it. Let us not be silent, if we have found peace and rest in the Gospel. Let us speak to our relations, friends, families and neighbors, according as we have opportunity, and tell them what the Lord has done for our souls.
Monday, May 1, 2017
Four Costs of Becoming a Christian
“Let there be no mistake about my meaning. I am not examining what it costs to save a Christian’s soul. I know well that it costs nothing less that the blood of the Son of God to provide atonement, and to redeem man from hell.
Sunday, April 30, 2017
The Dangerous Mindset of a Pharisee
No state of soul can be conceived so dangerous as that of the Pharisee. Never are men’s bodies in such desperate plight, as when disease and insensibility set in.
Saturday, April 29, 2017
You Hypocrite! You Can’t Fool Christ!
Think what a solemn warning there is to all worldly and hypocritical professors of religion. Let all such read, mark, and digest these words. Jesus says to you, “I know thy works”.
Friday, April 28, 2017
Repentance is a thorough change of person’s natural heart, upon the subject of sin. We are all born in sin. We naturally love sin.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Summarizing the 6 Marks of Regeneration
I know there is a vast difference in the depth and distinctness of these marks among those who are Regenerate. In some people they are faint, dim, feeble, and hardly to be discerned. You almost need a microscope to make them out. In others they are bold, sharp, clear, plain, and unmistakable, so that he who runs may read them.
Saturday, April 22, 2017
No Fruit, No Conversion
Let it be a settled principle in our religion that when a person brings forth no fruits of the Spirit, they do not have the Holy Spirit within them.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
The Devil and His Duties in Church
The devil, no doubt, is everywhere. That malicious spirit is unwearied in his efforts to do us harm. He is ever watching for our halting, and seeking occasion to destroy our souls. But nowhere perhaps is the devil so active as in a congregation of Gospel-hearers.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Authentic Charles Spurgeon Sermon Page Manuscript GIVE-A-WAY
The J.C. Ryle facebook page and website are teaming up with Rare Document Traders to present an opportunity to win an authentic Charles Spurgeon sermon page manuscript! These sermon page manuscripts were written down by professional "speed writers" in Spurgeon's day, while they were sitting in and listening to his sermons. He would receive these hand written sermon manuscripts, and he would use a purple pen to make edits for the sermon to be published in the newspaper. Here's an example of one of the pages.
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Charles Spurgeon Sermon Page Manuscript Example |
Framed Example of Spurgeon Sermon Manuscript |
You can enter the raffle below the following ways:
- Like "Rare Document Traders" on facebook
- Like J.C. Ryle's facebook page
- Visit "Rare Document Traders" website
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Wednesday, April 5, 2017
We Can Talk With Him
“While Christ is absent believers must ask much in prayer. It is written, ‘Hitherto have ye asked nothing in My name: ask and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.’
Monday, April 3, 2017
Guard Your Heart Against Unbelief
Let us watch our own hearts carefully in the matter of unbelief. The heart, and not the head, is the seat of its mysterious power.
Saturday, April 1, 2017
Book Review: The Lost Sermons of C.H. Spurgeon His Earliest Outlines and Sermons Between 1851 and 1854
J.C. Ryle on Charles Spurgeon
"I am not a bit ashamed to say that I often read the sermons of Mr. Spurgeon. Now when you read Mr. Spurgeon's sermons, note how clearly and perspicuously he divides a sermon, and fills each division with beautiful and simple ideas. How easily you grasp his meaning! How thoroughly he brings before you certain great truths, that hang to you like hooks of steel, and which, once planted in your memory, you never forget!" -J.C. Ryle, Simplicity in Preaching
"I am not a bit ashamed to say that I often read the sermons of Mr. Spurgeon. Now when you read Mr. Spurgeon's sermons, note how clearly and perspicuously he divides a sermon, and fills each division with beautiful and simple ideas. How easily you grasp his meaning! How thoroughly he brings before you certain great truths, that hang to you like hooks of steel, and which, once planted in your memory, you never forget!" -J.C. Ryle, Simplicity in Preaching
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
The Loving Friendship of Jesus Christ
Every true Christian has a Friend in heaven, of almighty power and boundless love. They are thought of, cared for, provided for, defended by God’s eternal Son.
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Being Convinced of Your Sinful Heart
“What is the reason that men are so half-hearted in seeking Christ? Why are they so soon deterred, and checked, and discouraged in drawing near to God?
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