There is a day coming when the Lord Jesus Christ shall judge His people, and give to every one according to his works. The course of this world shall not always go on as it does now.
Saturday, April 30, 2022
The Coming Judgement of Christ by J.C. Ryle
Friday, April 29, 2022
Is the Bible Your Gauge for Truth? By J.C. Ryle
It matters nothing who says a thing in religion, whether an ancient father, or a modern Bishop, or a learned divine. Is it in the Bible? Can it be proved by the Bible?
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
5 Points on Government by J.C. Ryle
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
You Cannot Reach Paradise Without a Cross by J.C. Ryle
All the children of God have a cross to carry. They have trials, troubles, and afflictions to go through for the Gospel’s sake. They have trials from the world, trials from the flesh, and trials from the devil.
Contemplating the Four Costs BY J.C. Ryle
What does it cost to be a true Christian?
But who in his sound senses can doubt that it is worth any cost to have the soul saved? When the ship is in danger of sinking, the crew think nothing of casting overboard the precious cargo. When a limb is mortified, a man will submit to any severe operation, and even to amputation, to save life. Surely a Christian should be willing to give up anything which stands between him and heaven. A religion that costs nothing is worth nothing! A cheap Christianity, without a cross, will prove in the end a useless Christianity, without a crown.”
Monday, April 25, 2022
Hate Sin! By J.C. Ryle
Sin and departure from God, are the true reasons why people are everywhere laboring and heavy-laden. Sin is the universal disease which infects the whole earth. Sin brought in thorns and thistles at the beginning, and obliged man to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow.
Sunday, April 24, 2022
Different Gospel Methods, Same Gospel Goal by J.C. Ryle
No individual Church on earth has an absolute monopoly of all wisdom, and that people may be right in the main, without agreeing with us. We must learn to be thankful if sin is opposed, the Gospel preached, and the devil’s kingdom pulled down, though the work may not be done exactly in the way we like. We must try to believe that men may be true-hearted followers of Jesus Christ, and yet for some wise reason may be kept back from seeing all things in religion just as we do.
Saturday, April 23, 2022
Sick of Your Sins? Then Come to Christ by J.C. Ryle
I know not what you may have been in your past life – it matters nothing. You may have broken every commandment under heaven;
Friday, April 22, 2022
Training Your Child To Love God Depends On You by J.C. Ryle
“We heavily depend on those who bring us up. We get from them a taste and a bias which clings to us most of the days of our lives. We learn the language of our mothers and fathers, and learn to speak it almost without thinking, and unquestionably we catch something of their manners, ways, and mind at the same time. Time will tell, how much we all owe to early impressions, and how many things in us may be traced back to the seeds sown in the days of our infancy, by those who were around us.
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Training Your Child to Love Church by J.C. Ryle
“Tell your children of the duty and privilege of going to Church, and joining in the prayers of the congregation. Tell them that wherever the Lord’s people are gathered together, there the Lord Jesus is present in a special way, and that those who are absent must expect, like the Apostle Thomas, to miss out on a blessing.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Beware! The Narrow Way is Dangerous by J.C. Ryle
Do you want to understand what the times require of you in reference to your own soul? Listen, and I will tell you. You live in times of peculiar spiritual danger. Never perhaps were there more traps and pitfalls in the way to heaven; never certainly were those traps so skillfully baited, and those pitfalls so ingeniously made.
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Forsake Sin and Look to Christ! by J.C. Ryle
That carelessness about sin, that trifling with temptation, that earnestness about the things of time, that forgetfulness about eternity, that readiness to swim with the tide about religion, that unwillingness to become more serious than your neighbors, that fear of being thought righteous overmuch, that love of the world’s good opinion—is this what you call coming out of great tribulation?
Monday, April 18, 2022
The Chief Business of the Church by J.C. Ryle
Let it be a settled principle in our minds that the first and chief business of the Church of Christ is to preach the Gospel.
Sunday, April 17, 2022
Remember Christ’s Resurrection by J.C. Ryle
Let us beware of regarding the Lord Jesus Christ, only as one that is dead. Here, I believe, many greatly err. They think much of His atoning death, and it is right that they should do so. But we ought not to stop short there.
Cling to Christ’s Resurrection by J.C. Ryle
Let us cling firmly to the resurrection of Christ, as one of the pillars of the gospel. It ought to produce in our minds a settled conviction of the truth of Christianity: our faith does not depend merely on a set of texts and doctrines; it is founded on a mighty fact which the sceptic has never been able to overturn.
The Grand Proof of Christ’s Mission by J.C. Ryle
Let us all thank God that we have such a cloud of witnesses to prove that our Lord rose again. The resurrection of Christ is the grand proof of Christ’s divine mission.
The Power of the Resurrection by J.C. Ryle
The resurrection of Christ is one of the foundation-stones of Christianity. It was the seal of the great work that He came on earth to do. It was the crowning proof that the ransom He paid for sinners was accepted, the atonement for sin accomplished, the head of him who had the power of death bruised, and the victory won.
Saturday, April 16, 2022
The Reality of Suffering on the Cross by J.C. Ryle
What was a crucifixion? Let us try to realize it, and understand its misery.
The Important Doctrine of Christ Crucified by J.C. Ryle
There is no doctrine in Christianity so important as the doctrine of Christ crucified. There is none which the devil tries so hard to destroy.
Friday, April 15, 2022
Do Not Starve Your Soul of Nourishment by J.C. Ryle
Are you indeed Christ’s sheep? Then beware of wandering from the pasture He has provided. The devil and the old Adam would often persuade you there is no need for this diligence in using means of grace:
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
The Two Sides of Friendship by J.C. Ryle
Good friends are among our greatest blessings, they may keep us back from much evil, quicken us in our course, speak a word in season, draw us upward, and draw us on.
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Train your child to a knowledge of the Bible by J.C. Ryle
Train your child to a knowledge of the Bible
A thorough knowledge of the Bible is the foundation of all clear views of religion. He that is well-grounded in it will not generally be found a waverer, and carried about by every wind of new doctrine. Any system of training which does not make a knowledge of Scripture the first thing is unsafe and unsound.
You have need to be careful on this point just now, for the devil is abroad, and error abounds. Some are to be found amongst us who give the Church the honour due to Jesus Christ. Some are to be found who make the sacraments saviours and passports to eternal life. And some are to be found in like manner who honour a catechism more than the Bible, or fill the minds of their children with miserable little story-books, instead of the Scripture of truth. But if you love your children, let the simple Bible be everything in the training of their souls; and let all other books go down and take the second place.
Care not so much for their being mighty in the catechism, as for their being mighty in the Scriptures. This is the training, believe me, that God will honour. The Psalmist says of Him, "Thou hast magnified Thy Word above all Thy name" (Ps. 138:2); and I think that He gives an especial blessing to all who try to magnify it among men.
See that your children read the Bible reverently. Train them to look on it, not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the Word of God, written by the Holy Ghost Himself, — all true, all profitable, and able to make us wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
See that they read it all. You need not shrink from bringing any doctrine before them. You need not fancy that the leading doctrines of Christianity are things which children cannot understand. Children understand far more of the Bible than we are apt to suppose.
Tell them of sin, its guilt, its consequences, its power, its vileness: you will find they can comprehend something of this.
Tell them of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His work for our salvation, — the atonement, the cross, the blood, the sacrifice, the intercession: you will discover there is something not beyond them in all this.
Tell them of the work of the Holy Spirit in man's heart, how He changes, and renews, and sanctifies, and purifies: you will soon see they can go along with you in some measure in this. In short, I suspect we have no idea how much a little child can take in of the length and breadth of the glorious gospel. They see far more of these things than we suppose. [Note: As to the age when the religious instruction of a child should begin, no general rule can be laid down. The mind seems to open in some children much more quickly than in others. We seldom begin too early. There are wonderful examples on record of what a child can attain to, even at three years old.]
Fill their minds with Scripture. Let the Word dwell in them richly. Give them the Bible, the whole Bible, even while they are young.
The book "The Duties of Parents" can be found here: J.C. Ryle