Tuesday, November 22, 2022

The Fruits of a True Conversion by J.C. Ryle

Does anyone ask me what we may expect to see in a true conversion? I reply: There will always be something seen in a converted man’s character, feelings, conduct, opinions and daily life. You will not see in him perfection; but you will see in him something peculiar, distinct, and different from other people.

You will see him hating sin, loving Christ, following after holiness, taking pleasure in his Bible, persevering in prayer. You will see him penitent, humble, believing, temperate, charitable, truthful, good-tempered, patient, upright, honorable, kind. These, at any rate, will be his aims—these are the things which he will follow after, however short he may come of perfection.
In some converted people you will see these things more distinctly, in others less. This only I say, wherever there is conversion, something of this kind will be seen.
~ J.C. Ryle
Old Paths, “Conversion”, [Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1999], 335, 336.

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